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2021 Results
Over $4.7 million in Merit Aid offers in 2021!
American University
Auburn University
Bard College
Baylor University
Boston College
Bucknell University
Butler U Biochem Program
Carnegie Mellon
The Citadel
Clemson University
Coastal Carolina
College of Charleston
Colorado School of Mines
Colorado State Aerospace Engineering
East Carolina
Florida Institute of Tech Honors
Florida Southern
Florida State
Fordham U
Hampton University
Howard University
Indiana University
James Madison U
Louisiana State University
Loyola Maryland
Michigan State Honors
Montana State
North Carolina State U Engineering
Penn State Engineering & BioChem
Rochester Inst. of Technology
Salisbury Univ
St Johns College
St. Josephs
St. Mary’s College
Spelman College
Stoney Brook Univ
Temple U
Towson University
UMD Engineering 2
University of Alabama Honors
University of Delaware Honors
University of Denver
University of Florida
University of Georgia-Scholars Program
University of Illinois
University of Maine
University of MD Honors 4
University of Michigan
UNC Wilmington
University of New Hampshire
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill 2
University of Oregon
University of Rhode Island.
University of South Carolina
University of Tampa Honors
University of Texas Austin
University of Pittsburgh
University of Vermont
University of Virginia
University of Wisconsin
US Coast Guard Academy
Villanova University
Virginia Tech Engineering
Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets
Wake Forest
The College of Wooster
Washington College
Congratulations to all~ Thank you for trusting us with your most precious asset~your child

>wanted a prestigious college at a low cost
He had only lived in the United States for a few years, so The College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia was a great fit for him.
He applied Early Decision, wrote about his international experiences, and got in right away. Irina- Arnold, MD
> Money was the major consideration for this student
She wanted to go to graduate school. We looked at finding schools with strong grants and scholarships to keep the costs low.
She received offers for over $100K in merit scholarship from a private college and several Maryland state schools. She was accepted to all the schools that she applied to, and ultimately chose one that the team suggested to her because it was an excellent fit for both her career goals and her limited funds of $15K per year. A.K- Virginia

> He was interested in attending an Ivy League school…
We focused on grades, test scores, leadership, and developed a number of original community service projects which he implemented. His community service project was put into every high school in his county.
He was accepted into the College of Engineering at Cornell University, the Whiting School of Engineering at Johns Hopkins University, and was also given close to a full-ride scholarship to the University of Maryland. John L.- Annapolis
> they were interested in attending a highly selective university
We built a comprehensive program that evidenced his interest in political science including coursework, leadership activities, and extracurricular.
We helped him shape a journey that included attending Boy’s State in Washington, DC, becoming the student advisor to our Department of Education/County Executive, and holding officer positions in clubs at his high school. Johns Hopkins welcomed him with open arms. H.T.- Broadneck