$20 Million

in merit award money awarded to our students  over the past 4 years


At Annapolis College Consulting we know how important it is to find the college that is the right fit, that is why offer our services in a variety of packages to meet your individual needs.

96% of Our Students Got Into Their Top 3 Schools!

Lee Norwood profile
Concierge Package
1:1 College Consulting

Our premium package helps your family from now through success. We will help your family navigate the often stressful waters of the college application process. Differentiating your student through their activities, essays, and the college application. We find the right fit academically, socially, geographically and financially.

Highly Selective Comprehensive Program

This program is for students who are interested in the most selective schools. In order to compete in this highly-competitive arena, we help the student differentiate themselves. The package includes the Comprehensive Program plus a unique research project, a quick prep test prep program and additional essay work.     


Essay Corner

Brainstorming the best college essays is our jam. Choose the package you need.

12 Hour Package

New! Virtual College   Consulting online platform

Join College sharks


ACC is pleased to offer our new, affordable, online college consulting platform for parents and college-bound teens.  Join the platform and get monthly, bite-sized chunks of information and the tools you need, when you need them.

Give your student the leg up they need in the often challenging college admissions process.




use these links go receive our special pricing

On-Line Tutoring

Our 4 distinct ACT and SAT courses offer a clear, proven study plan, customizable subject-level strategies that get students the score they want.

Tutor Partners

We recommend Tutor Partners for your tutoring needs.Karima and her team are ready to help you through the e-school year.


Financial Advisors

Ann Alsina of Covington Alsina is available to our clients to answer questions about saving for and paying for college without messing up your retirement. Having a financial plan early will make a big difference.


Empowering students to simplify, organize, and plan their
digital portfolio for application success!

Tuition Fit

You can compare offers from colleges with this unique tool. See what other similar students/families were offered from the same schools. Subscribe to the newsletter NOW and for the tool once we start comparing college costs.

Partnerships and Community Involvement

Get the skills, networking, and confidence you need to succeed as you move ahead to college

Annapolis College Consulting partners with businesses, non-profits, and other professionals to provide students with internships, resources, and training needed to be prepared for the college application and admissions process.

Help Articles - Quick Reads

Useful information that's worth reading and will help in your college application process

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