Hey there, future college rockstars!

Let’s get real for a second—college is a huge life transition. Sure, it’s awesome to finally be in control of your life. No one’s telling you when to go to bed, eat, or study. But guess what? That means you’re totally responsible for you. You’ll have to deal with tricky roommates, navigate administrative stuff, and figure out how to talk to your professors. But here’s the upside: by doing all that, you’ll get stronger and more confident at handling life on your own. You’ve got this!

Confidence is your new best friend.
You’ll be surrounded by some seriously smart and talented people, and yeah, it might feel intimidating at first. But remember this: you wouldn’t have been accepted if you didn’t belong there. Admissions officers don’t admit students who can’t handle the workload. So when self-doubt creeps in, remind yourself that you were chosen over thousands of other students for a reason. You. Can. Do. This.

Pro tip: make learning fun from day one.
Sign up for a class that excites you—something that sounds genuinely fun! And if you’re still figuring out your major, explore different subjects. A little secret: pick classes based on the professor’s reputation. A great teacher can make any topic fascinating, so use sites like Rate My Professors to find the ones who will blow your mind. If a class you want is full, don’t sweat it. Talk to the professor! Show some enthusiasm, and they just might let you in.

Give yourself grace to adjust.
The first few weeks are a whirlwind of new friends, new experiences, and nonstop socializing. It’s going to be intense, but in the best way. Leave your door open, introduce yourself, and take advantage of residence hall events. You’re going to meet amazing people. And your roommate? Maybe you’ll be besties, maybe you won’t. But setting up clear expectations early will help. If things get tricky, talk it out. And if that doesn’t work, your Resident Advisor (RA) has your back.

Keep the stress in check.
There’s going to be moments where things feel overwhelming—everyone goes through it. The trick is managing it before it spirals. Start with the basics: keep your space tidy, eat well, get enough sleep, and exercise. Seriously, get moving! Even a quick workout can flood your system with endorphins and leave you feeling ready to conquer the world.

Own your schedule.
College gives you so much freedom, but it can also trip you up if you don’t manage it. Treat your schoolwork like a 9-5 job. With only 15-18 hours of class per week, you’ve got plenty of time to get everything done and have fun. Block out study time during the day so your evenings can be all about you—whether that’s hanging with friends, exploring campus, or just chilling.

Class time is game time.
Here’s the deal: GO TO CLASS. Don’t sleep through it. Sit up front, take notes, and stay engaged. Afterward, review your notes and ask questions when you’re confused. If you’re struggling, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Professors and TAs are there for a reason—use them! Stop by their office hours, even if it’s just to introduce yourself. Building those connections will help you feel part of the college community. And don’t forget about the tutoring and writing centers—they’re there to help you transition and thrive.

Get involved, get connected.
Want to feel happier and more successful in college? Get involved in campus life. Whether it’s a club, a sport, or a hobby, dive into something that lights you up. It’s not just about having fun (though you will)—it’s about finding your people and creating a community. And if you’re not sure where to start, hit up your school’s activity fair. You’re bound to find something you’re passionate about.

Homesick? It’s normal.
Let’s be honest, there will be times when you miss home. Midterms, lack of sleep, and stress can hit hard. When that happens, don’t hesitate to visit the counseling center. They help students just like you every day. Talking it out can make all the difference.

This is your moment.
College is a clean slate. Nobody knows who you were in high school. This is your shot to define who you want to be, and that’s pretty incredible. It’s going to feel scary at times, but lean into it. The payoff? Totally life-changing.

Go get ‘em! You’re more ready for this than you think.

