At College Sharks, we’re here to help you take a big bite out of college admissions. When it comes to extracurricular activities, admissions officers aren’t just circling for a long list of achievements anymore—they’re hunting for depth, character, and purpose. They’re on the lookout for how students dive deep into their passions and make waves in their communities. So, let’s dive into three major trends that are reshaping what colleges are really fishing for:

1. Character and Purpose Over Achievements

In the past, racking up a boatload of clubs and awards might have been enough to impress colleges. But now, admissions officers are hungry for more. They’re looking for students with a sense of purpose—someone who’s not just cruising through high school but making intentional choices that reflect their values and passions.

As Jeffrey Brenzel, former Dean of Admissions at Yale, says, “We’d much rather see a student who is deeply committed to one or two activities than someone who’s dabbling in 10 or 12.” The days of quantity over quality are over.

What to focus on:

  • Dive deep into activities that fuel your passion.
  • Stick with them long-term to show commitment.
  • Reflect on how these experiences have shaped who you are.

Remember, colleges want to see the real you—not just a perfectly crafted image, but a student with genuine drive and purpose.

2. Making Waves in the Community

Colleges are no longer impressed by flashy accomplishments that don’t make a ripple in the real world. They want to see you out there, contributing to your community, and making a difference. Whether you’re organizing beach clean-ups or tutoring underclassmen, your impact speaks volumes.

Stu Schmill, Dean of Admissions at MIT, sums it up: “It’s not about padding your resume. It’s about finding activities you genuinely enjoy and making an impact.”

What to focus on:

  • Spot real needs in your community and make a splash.
  • Take initiative—be the shark that leads.
  • Reflect on the impact of your contributions.

Whether you’re spearheading a local environmental project or volunteering at a shelter, your efforts to improve the world around you will show colleges you’re ready to make waves.

3. Connecting Your Extracurriculars to Your Academics

Colleges are increasingly looking for students who connect their extracurriculars to their academic interests. They want to see that your interests extend beyond the classroom and into things you do with your free time. Are you pursuing what excites your intellect, or just coasting along? Our college sharks do not sleep and we can help you become more focused with your activities.

Stanford University’s admissions team is clear on this: “Depth, not breadth, of experience is most meaningful.” Colleges want students who are passionate enough to sink their teeth into subjects they love.

What to focus on:

  • Join subject-specific clubs, competitions, or research projects.
  • Look for internships or opportunities to dive deeper into your academic interests.
  • Explore intellectual pursuits that demonstrate curiosity and a love for learning.

For example, if you’re passionate about marine biology, you might join a conservation club, volunteer at a local aquarium, or attend oceanography lectures. These activities show you’re more than just interested in the subject—you’re ready to swim in deeper waters.

At College Sharks, we know that college admissions can feel like deep waters to navigate. But by staying focused on purpose, community impact, and intellectual curiosity, you’ll be more than ready to take a big bite out of the competition.

College Sharks is the virtual college consulting arm of Annapolis College Consulting, LLC.